New subscription

 The technical file


 Payment means





 The technical file

 Medium Voltage and Medium Pressure 
This type of subscription is considered in case of connection to intermediate voltage or medium pressure network.
The decision to allocate an IV or IP subscription depends on the costumer needs and his distance to the network.

Technical constraints behind contracting a Medium Voltage subscription are the requested power and the user location with relation to the existing networks.

 Medium Voltage
One-phase 17 kV + 7 % in isolated rural areas
Three-phase 30 kV ± 7%
Three-phase 15 kV ± 7% in certain Southern towns
Three-phase 10 kV ± 7% in certain Central and Northern towns

 How to apply ?
 Send or submit a written application to your district with a location layout.
 The district notes the distribution network features on the project address as well as the location and orientation of the station to be constructed, and addresses to the customer either :


 The estimated cost of electricity supply.
 the list of firms approved by the Ministry of Equipment which you can consult to estimate your needs and construct your substation.

 What are the documents to be provided ?
The firm selected by the customer should submit to STEG, for opinion,  a technical file in three copies involving :
 An application form
 A building authorization or an occupation title of the premise
 A civil engineering layout (for cabin stations) at 1/20th scale
 An implementation layout at 1/1000th scale
 A map  at 1/10 000th scale
 A descriptive memo indicating the different  materials used, their characteristics and their fitting.

 Procedure for  approval of the technical file
STEG studies the supply line then sets the technical file and the connection cost estimation. It sends the requester a letter of estimate and submits the technical files to the competent authorities  of the station  for administrative enquiries.
The estimated charge remains valid for 3 months for a connecting complying with the technical file submitted to authorities for approval.

 When are the works performed?
Further to authorities approval of the line and payment of the due charge, STEG submits an energy supplying contract for customer signature. The substation construction has to be performed by a firm selected from the approved list according to the technical file.

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